[email protected]

Hey, all,

There've been a couple of posts returned for asking for local contacts, and
another about local business went quite off topic. Here are some ways you
might find unschoolers local to you:


U.S. States up top, other nations and regions lower down.

_http://groups.yahoo.com/_ (http://groups.yahoo.com/)

put in unschooling and your state
and if that nets you nothing, try homeschooling and your state.
The list might have open archives and you can scan, or you could join and
ask there whether they know of unschoolers.

_http://www.google.com/_ (http://www.google.com/)

If this list is used to make local contacts, those who want to discuss the
philosophy and practice of unschooling might get bored and wander away, or
write and say they only left the list because the volume of mail was too high (as
people pretty regularly do).

I'm not trying to be unfriendly, just trying to keep this list more useful
and also figuring there are more efficient ways to find locals than on an
international list.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]