Big numbers - tsunami WAS math phobia
Joni Zander
> When I heard about theIt is interesting when compared to other events in which people died.
> tsunami and all the people who were killed, 10,000 sounded like a lot
> and
> now 150, 000 sounds like a lot, but I can't really quantify it so that
> I can
> see how many people that is in my head. I guess if I stopped to think
> about
> it hard, maybe. There are about 6.000 people in the biggest city near
> me.
> So that would be more than 20 times the number of people in that city
> who
> died. Wow!
150,000 is a lot, but when you compare it to Nazi Germany... During
the holocaust, the low estimate is 12 million people exterminated. It
seems nature can't quite do the damage that we, as people are capable
of inflicting upon ourselves. All those big numbers can be hard to
grasp in your mind. I think it should be hard to grasp - to be able to
wrap your mind around that much suffering and distruction.
I really can't directly tie this to unschooling, just something I
thought of when I read the above statement. And my belief that
everything that makes you think can be tied to unschooling.