[unschoolingbasics] Valerie Fitzenreiter - speaking engagements
Valerie, AND her daughter, Laurie, will be speaking to unschoolers in New
Orleans on Saturday, December 18th! We have a meeting room at The JW Marriot
Hotel on Canal Street, across from the French Quarter from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m..
Come if you can!!
And please feel free to forward this information to your local hs/unschool
lists who might be interested in attending!
In a message dated 10/31/2004 10:22:12 AM Central Standard Time,
aycock@... writes:
Valerie has agreed to meet with us in Alabama, too! Tuesday, November 9th,
5-8. This will be at the home of Deirdre Aycock, 401 Main Street, Eutaw,
AL. Come and drop in to talk with Valerie--she'll answer specific questions
or talk about your topic of concern. We'll cook up some spaghetti to eat
while we visit, so let us know if you plan to try and make it!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Orleans on Saturday, December 18th! We have a meeting room at The JW Marriot
Hotel on Canal Street, across from the French Quarter from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m..
Come if you can!!
And please feel free to forward this information to your local hs/unschool
lists who might be interested in attending!
In a message dated 10/31/2004 10:22:12 AM Central Standard Time,
aycock@... writes:
Valerie has agreed to meet with us in Alabama, too! Tuesday, November 9th,
5-8. This will be at the home of Deirdre Aycock, 401 Main Street, Eutaw,
AL. Come and drop in to talk with Valerie--she'll answer specific questions
or talk about your topic of concern. We'll cook up some spaghetti to eat
while we visit, so let us know if you plan to try and make it!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]