
About 50/50. It would be much simpler if we could simply refer to
ourselves as who and what we are (I for instance am Wiyot and 3 other
tribes) instead of the name "Genocide Chris" tagged on us or the newer BIA
designation of Native American. We get just as much backlash from that
from folks of other ethnic backgrounds who get their bloomers in a twist
because they somehow think that is disparaging to them as they were born
here and think they have just as much right to be called "native"
Americans. Can't win for losing <g>

Some of the elders don't like the NA term because they were always Indian.
But, most don't refer to themselves as either but by the tribe they belong
to. It is more a way to communicate with the "white" population who
haven't a clue as to who or what Hupa, Hopi and Hoopa refer to or that
there were over 100 seperate and distinct tribes in California alone.

And, I gotta tell you, Twinki's are more likely to be offended than folks
who know what an Apple is, what a rez rocket is and what a 49 is.

Lynda, who is clear as mud as usual <g>

> Hey Lynda,
> There is a bit of a discussion in the "letters to the editor" page of
> our local paper, seems a reporter used the term "Indian" when
> referring to a "Native American" and some white woman who has
> three adopted children that are "Native Americans".
> In your email you used the term "Indian" referring to your
> Grandfather, who I believe is a Native American? Do any Indians
> you know take offence at that term being used?
> Sue
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