Paula Parmenter

We do volunteer work for AZ Cats a trap, neuter and return program for
feral cats in Maricopa county, AZ. We do afer-care at the clinics and
community outreach. My daughter is 12,so I have to do the volunteer
work with her. Last Sat. AZ Cats held their annual volunteer
appreciation party at the Phonex zoo. Azure was awarded Junior
Volunteer of the Year!

[email protected]

>>Last Sat. AZ Cats held their annual volunteer
appreciation party at the Phonex zoo. Azure was awarded Junior
Volunteer of the Year! >>

Conratulations Azure! I'll bet she just LOVES what she's doing too.


"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the
green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly
~Thich Nhat Hanh

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Paula Parmenter" <bead@...>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]