Mother Earth (Tyra)

>Yes. I would suggest you not worry so much. Easier said than done I know. But TV is not the enemy. In fact it can be a >great unschooling ally if you learn to see it for the value it can bring to your child's otherwise interesting and full >life.

>The first trick is to get in there and watch TV and play the PS2 with your kids. Figure out what they're getting from >these games and programs and support that. TV has brought so much learning into our lives and has led to much, much more. >There are times they binge and seem to watch a lot and times they expand and explore into other activities. It's kind of >all connected. But by not demonizing the TV or XBox in our house, it's viewed as just another activity. Since you only >got a TV a year ago and have been struggling with a homeschool schedule, TV is still new and inviting. I'd let them fill >their need until they're ready to branch out to other things.


First of all I appreciated what you wrote about your children. That helps me have more confidence in the unschooling lifestyle. With respect to TV, I am so sick of Disney. I can watch some of the TV shows but after a while I just want to regurgitate because it is too much! Last year I gave up TV watching for 40 days. It pretty much freed me up to do other things. Now, my son is steeped in it and I just don't want to go back there. I HATE video games. I have never been into video games. I don't have a problem with his love for TV or video games, but I can only take so much. I remember other suggestions to just be in the room doing my own thing and that is working but a sistah is sick of TV. There are other things that we like to do together but TV is his thing. I know some of it has to do with the fact that we went from basic to expanded cable for the first time in his 5 yrs. So Disney is totally novel to him. I guess I am venting because I already feel that I know what the unschooling philosophy is. I am just bored with TV. Now that I think about it, I am bored with Disney. I love PBS, I love Animal Planet. Actually, I wish that I could binge on VH1 more. But Disney and sometimes, Nick Jr, but mainly Disney is driving me nuts! Okay, I am going to watch some Disney Channel now! LOL!

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[email protected]

>>Now that I think about it, I am bored with Disney. I love PBS, I love Animal Planet. Actually, I wish that I could binge on VH1 more. But Disney and sometimes, Nick Jr, but mainly Disney is driving me nuts! >>

Oh I can sooooo relate! Casey LOVED Barney when she was 2. With Conor it was the Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers when he was 5. NOT my favorites.

And I'm no big fan of Neopets or Halo2 and anime right now. But I smile and I try to feel their joy. When I can't, I fake it as long as I can take it. ;-)


"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the
green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Mother Earth (Tyra)" <motherspirit@...>

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