
Joann, the answer is - No - I haven't taken my kids out of public
yet. It's a sticky situation. I have to get my ex to agree to this.
Technically, I don't have to have it in stone, but he lives across the
country and could decide to throw a fit over it and file in his state
(Utah) for custody over this apparent educational "neglect". He made
rumblings about it before, when I was only homeschooling dd and he is
more finicky about ds. He is a real jerk in general and would probably
love any excuse to continue to make my life hell. Therefore, I really
need to be certain about this method of homeschooling before I try and
sell it to him.

April, I live in Charlotte... for now. We are considering moving.
Choice A would be to Lansing, to be closer to dh's work, sell 1 car to
help pay off bills. Then the excuse to ex-husband for homeschooling
would be the crappy inner-city Lansing schools. Choice B, which we
are also considering, is moving far north to the Alpena area. My
husband has elderly parents, he is the heir of 40-120 acres of land...
long story short we have discovered Joel Salatins' farming method and
Sally Fallon's nutritional texts and have thought of living off the
land, essentially unschooling and farming at the same time. The
excuse to ex-husband this time would be the hour-long bus ride and
poor-quality rural schools. Whaddayathink?? I prefer Choice B.
Choice C would be just staying here in Charlotte until we can whittle
our bills down. I don't know what argument to use to switch to
homeschooling, as ex doesn't care about my "non-tangible" worries over
my childrens' struggling spiritual welfare in the public school arena.

So, there's my sitch... Thanks for askin'! :)
