Ren Allen

"Or do you wake up each morning and ask the kids what
they want to learn about today?"

Does your husband wake up each morning and ask you what you want to
learn about? Do you wake up and think "what do I want to learn about
I don't.
I DO think about all the cool things I'd like to start as projects
(for myself) and info. I need to look up that has sparked my
interest at some point, or places I'd like to go.
So yeah, it has some structure in that we all have things we'd like
to do.
But I never, ever say "kids, what do you want to learn about today?"
They'd look at me like I just dropped in from Mars!:)

I DO ask if they have any place they need to go today, or what they
want to eat for breakfast. Kids learn by living...people learn by
living. So make the living really great today, that's the key.

Make your lives interesting and rich, not to learn anything, but to
have a rich and interesting life! People that lead interesting
lives, LEARN new stuff all the time. Honest.

That's the best way to transition. Forget about what they "need" to
learn and start figuring out what makes you all happy. Maybe today,
it's just watching a movie together, cuddling and reading a book or
baking some bread. Make your home a refuge for all that live there,
make your days all about good living and the learning will bubble
and flow constantly.

As to the vetrinarian interest, the best way to squash it is to
focus on the career aspect right now. What parts does your child
like about the vet thing? If it's the animals, start visiting places
where they can be around stores, zoos, aquariums,
wildlife sanctuaries, breeders, farms, etc....

If my child liked GI Joe, I'd buy them GI Joe much as our
budget would allow anyway. When you see the whole wide world as a
big playroom, waiting to be explored, their interests are an excuse
to explore, not to "teach".
