Ren Allen

I was browsing unschooling blogs tonight and came across this;

There really is a TRUE Thanksgiving story of Plymouth Plantation.
But I strongly suggest that there always has been a Thanksgiving
story of some kind or other for as long as there have been human
beings. There was also a "First" Thanksgiving in America, but it was
celebrated thirty thousand years ago. At some time during the New
Stone Age (beginning about ten thousand years ago) Thanksgiving
became associated with giving thanks to God for the harvests of the
land. Thanksgiving has always been a time of people coming together,
so thanks has also been offered for that gift of fellowship between
us all. Every last Thursday in November we now partake in one of the
OLDEST and most UNIVERSAL of human celebrations, and THERE ARE MANY
--Chuck Larsen

It's a pretty cool blog, I had fun looking through it:
