Rue Kream

As many of you know, Valerie Fitzenreiter lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
She has opened her home to a group of evacuees, and is also contributing
needed supplies to the Lake Charles civic center. I asked Valerie if I
could help out in some way long-distance, whether by sending some money or
in any other way, and wanted to forward her response in case anyone else
would like to help out too. Money would be great, but I know emotional
support would also be greatly appreciated. Valerie's email address (and
Paypal account, if anyone's so inclined) is valerie@.... ~Rue

That would be wonderful and appreciated. I haven't asked for money. I'm
trusting it'll come to me some way. I had 3 of the women (who are living
with me now) go with me to the Lake Charles civic center today. There are
several thousand people there. We have a list of the needed items and saw
how organized the whole thing is. Everyone was so calm and busy, even though
they've lost everything they own, their homes, jobs, etc. The three women
that went with me, have seen their places of employment in the French
Quarter (on the news) and realize those jobs are gone, because the buildings
have either burned or are flooded beyond help. They've seen their
neighborhoods and know all is lost. So heartbreaking.

I had everyone get together this morning and discuss needs. Some needed
meds. The Walgreen's stores are filling all prescriptions for free. We also
discussed how to best get along in this tiny house, everyone doing their
part, etc. We're like a commune from the 60's here now, and it's working
well. We do realize that we have to watch our pennies and our moods, and
think in terms of "us" instead of "me." So far, so good.

I'm staying calm, but can't watch too much of the news, or I won't stay that

love, Valerie

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>>>I asked Valerie if I could help out in some way long-distance,
whether by sending some money or in any other way, and wanted to
forward her response in case anyone else would like to help out too.
Money would be great, but I know emotional support would also be
greatly appreciated. Valerie's email address (and Paypal account, if
anyone's so inclined) is valerie@u... ~Rue>>>>

Thanks for posting this Rue. I've been wanting to do something a bit
more personal to help those in need and I've contacted Valerie.

Ruth G

Thanks Rue

I was looking for a way to help.

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