Ren Allen

"We're in the process of starting a Spiral
Scouts group and I'm having second thoughts about it because of the
of badges/pins. To me it is an extrinsic motivator and I don't get why
the kids need to do the badges. "

I don't think it has to be a big deal.
Earning badges might be a lot of fun for your children, your attitude
will make the difference between harmful rewards and just something
they enjoy.
YOU know that a reward isn't a good way to motivate you
aren't going to use them to force your children to do an activity they
don't care for! That's the key in my mind.
If you used the badge to try and make them finish activities, THEN the
reward could be harmful.
If you let your children pick and choose what they want to get out of
spiral scouts, if you don't make an issue of the badges one way or the
other, if you treat the badges as you would grades (something that
does not define a person, nor has any weight in your family) but
something fun they're choosing to do (just as they might choose school
one day) then I think it's all good.

I don't care for all the external motivators our society
uses....colored belts in martial arts for example (NOT a tradition
from Asia, but an American thing), but I don't think keeping our
children away from all of it is a good idea either.
Your children will know that the badges are just part of the
package...they can choose to earn them or NOT.
Let them get what they want from this experience and I think you could
all have a lot of fun with it. :)
