Ren Allen

Would anyone that has a personal story to share about how unschooling
has promoted personal or family healing please email me?

We had discussed it here briefly a few months ago, but I'd really love
some personal stories I could use for an article I have yet to write!!
I am trying to find our old conversation in the archives, but with
limited library time I am finding it hard to search (maybe someone
knows which post #'s they are?)

If you don't mind taking the time to share, please write here or to my
email addy. I would love to use quotes, but am happy to keep your name
anonymous if you are uncomfortable having your name published.

So how has unschooling healed you?
How has unschooling healed your family?
Is there extended family that has found healing through your
unschooling/gentle parenting philosophies?

Please share your journeys and enlightenment.:)



Pam Sorooshian

Ren - I have a bunch of posts about unschooling and healing - from late
February to early March -- is that what you're looking for? I think it
starts on 2/27/05.

I can forward them, one at a time - whatever is easiest for you.


On Jul 22, 2005, at 1:26 PM, Ren Allen wrote:

> If you don't mind taking the time to share, please write here or to my
> email addy. I would love to use quotes, but am happy to keep your name
> anonymous if you are uncomfortable having your name published.