

some of you will remember me. I'm Johanna from Germany, Leipzig, and I'm an editor and author for the "unerzogen magazine". We publish articles about unschooling, respectful parenting, democratic schools etc.

Some of you well known and experienced unschoolers have already written for us: Sandra Dodd, Joyce Fetteroll, Kelly Lovejoy, Ren Allen, just to mention a few.

The next issue's topic is "partnership". We want to explore the possibility of "unschooling" between partners/in your partnership. We know that there are parents/couples out there who have experience with this. Who after a few years of Unschooling realized that they weren't following the same principles with their own partner! And after realizing, started working on that.

Sandra Dodd has collected some of the ideas here:

Is anyone willing to write an article for us? It could be from your own experience, from your experience working with others, an overview, a collection of tips...

If so, please contact me under: jgm@...

I'm looking forward to read your replies!
