[email protected]

Thank you Rebbecca, Connie, and Meredith for your responses.

I found them all very helpful. I have been pretty much thinking the same thing (it's the transitions, things are coming out that have been bottled up, I'm listening better - so she feels safer to reveal deep hurts, etc.) for the the last day or so. I have been feeling bad about describing her cleansing as "emotional vomit". I didn't mean to imply that she was being "bad" in anyway, which I think that is how it may have sounded. It's just how it felt on my end. I would never express this feeling to her. When I am rested, etc. I can keep my "emotional shield" up. Otherwise, I tend to absorb the negative energy, and it brings me down as well.

I also do understand the clingyness and realized that was a negative description as well. In reality, my high need baby who nursed hourly, is in another high need stage. The less I fight it and go with the flow the better! Sometimes she acts so grown up and even fights for grown up things/privileges, I forget that she is still very young.

I'll try to stay rested and go with the flow!


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