J. Stauffer

<<<Were these people unschooled as children? Or were their lives and
their passions stifled by school and the built in limits it imposed?>>>>

This puts a double-blind on the argument.

If a poster states concerns about a certain type of behavior, they are questioned if they know someone like that.

When they state yes they do, they are questioned if that person was unschooled.

The number of adults who have been unschooled is so small that most people do not know any so they are unable to state how they view those people.

Julie S.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> If a poster states concerns about a certain type of behavior, they
are questioned if they know someone like that.
> When they state yes they do, they are questioned if that person
was unschooled.

It's an important distinction though, especially on an unschooling
list. I was a voracious reader as a child, and I mostly read to
escape or to de-stress from the intensity of the school day. It was
my haven, really. And when I had a school vacation I'm sure I spent
most of it reading. Does anyone remember the part in A Tree Grows
in Brooklyn where the little girl can't wait until Saturday so she
can sit on the fire escape with her peppermint candy and read
uninterrupted all day? That was me.
But if I was unschooled and had a rich life *outside* of reading
that I didn't need to escape from it would have been a whole new
context. I probably would still have loved reading, but my need to
do so wouldn't have been so desperate and my motivations would have
been different. Not to mention the fact that "unlimited access"
can't accurately describe a child in school and grappling with
homework as well. How "unlimited" can his time really be?


J. Stauffer

<<<<I probably would still have loved reading, but my need to
do so wouldn't have been so desperate and my motivations would have
been different.>>>>

Perhaps your motivations would have been different but you can't say that your behavior would have been. You may guess that it might have been but you can't say for sure. You weren't unschooled as a child.

Julie S.
----- Original Message -----
From: averyschmidt
To: unschoolingbasics@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] Re: video

> If a poster states concerns about a certain type of behavior, they
are questioned if they know someone like that.
> When they state yes they do, they are questioned if that person
was unschooled.

It's an important distinction though, especially on an unschooling
list. I was a voracious reader as a child, and I mostly read to
escape or to de-stress from the intensity of the school day. It was
my haven, really. And when I had a school vacation I'm sure I spent
most of it reading. Does anyone remember the part in A Tree Grows
in Brooklyn where the little girl can't wait until Saturday so she
can sit on the fire escape with her peppermint candy and read
uninterrupted all day? That was me.
But if I was unschooled and had a rich life *outside* of reading
that I didn't need to escape from it would have been a whole new
context. I probably would still have loved reading, but my need to
do so wouldn't have been so desperate and my motivations would have
been different. Not to mention the fact that "unlimited access"
can't accurately describe a child in school and grappling with
homework as well. How "unlimited" can his time really be?


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> Perhaps your motivations would have been different but you can't
say that your behavior would have been. You may guess that it might
have been but you can't say for sure. You weren't unschooled as a

I didn't say that my behavior would have been different, I said my
reasons and motivations for reading would have been different. If I
had had a happy, unschooled childhood I certainly wouldn't have
needed an escape from it.
I don't need to have been an unschooled child to know that.



Dear lists,

sorry for this mass-list-mailing – but this video is just incredible,
I love it, and I want to share it with everyone :-) It's a bit off-
topic, but does fit anyway - you'll see. The text below the video is
just the translation into German, so don't spoil it for you by
reading it first!


Greetings from Germany and sorry to those who've got this twice or
three times.



Liebe Listen,

entschuldigt das Massenmailing, aber dieses Video ist einfach
unglaublich! Ich find's sooo toll, ich muss es mit allen teilen :-)
Es ist ein bisschen off-topic, aber irgendwie passt es trotzdem – ihr
werden schon sehen. Der Text unten drunter ist die Übersetzung, also
an alle die, die Englisch können: nicht lesen! Sonst ruiniert ihr den
Überraschungseffekt und die anderen, versucht zu lesen, während es
läuft ganz langsam :-)


Liebe Grüße aus Leipzig und sorry an alle, die diese Nachricht nun
zwei oder drei Mal erhalten haben!


Geflüstert wird nicht! - UNERZOGEN