Zoa Conner

If you've been thinking about coming to Enjoy Life but can't come for both
days, yay for you! We now have one day registrations available for the low,
low price of $70 (adult) and $55 (children). The one day price includes
conference registration and all meals for that day. You choose monday or
tuesday (check the schedule online first!). You will also be asked to
volunteer for one of our available tasks (there is a list on the web site).
So go ahead and register so you too can Enjoy Life!
Zoa Conner, PhD
Physicist and Organic Learning Mother
*Scintillating Science or Marvelous Math Days: http://ssommd.blogspot.com
*Handmade stuff @ http://earthyzee.etsy.com
*LaPlata Area Food Delivery @ http://laplata-area-food.blogspot.com