
I don't post often, but I came across two cool things in the last week, they are not necessarily related to the topic of unschooling, but in another way they are so I wanted to share them...

1. Marcus Buckingham - focus on your strengths. This is a link to the podcast of a workshop show he did with Oprah and a whole bunch of working women about their careers, but is so easy to apply to any aspect of ourselves. Probably preaching to the choir for some of you, but was something I needed to hear somehow:

2. Transamerica - such a great movie. Anyone else see this? I loved the scene where she apologizes to her son for all those phony people in the other room and only we can see that she is the only one in the room hiding anything... I also like how we aren't ever meant to look down on any of the characters for who they are (perhaps not even the very judgemental mom character). Such a non -typical movie, I loved it. Any other great movie recommendations?