rebecca de

All true.  I have to step back and remember not to be defensive that there is no reason for it.  sometimes I am just "to emotional" or something.  I agree that this whole community has had great advice!! 

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Faith Void <littlemsvoid@...> wrote:

From: Faith Void <littlemsvoid@...>
Subject: Re: [unschoolingbasics] Realization that unschooling isn't possible right now
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 9:49 PM

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 8:46 AM, rebecca de <rebeccadehate@> wrote:



> Faith,


> I've been following this conversation and I sent Jennifer a personal

> e-mail even! When I seen your name I had to open the post. You are

> wonderful and encouraging someone. I think that helping her step through

> her obstacles is what she was asking for and some of us were not as

> encourgaging. I just wanted to personally thank you -- you are one that has

> always had great ways to help me through hang ups and dilemmas I have had

> and do have through out my unschooling path. thank you for your light.


> ---



Thank you very much. I am happy to know that my journey has helped another

full and connect more fully with her child/ren. As flattering as that is, I

do believe that everyone on here is offering encouragement in the form of

helpful advice. Each person needs are different and what you or I may think

is harsh another harsh another person may find to be exactly what they need.

I personally love a direct kick in the butt style. I have been practicing

kindness more since Meredith wrote that amazing post a few weeks ago and I

hope that is reflected more in my writing style.

I love this list for what it is, a huge community of folks helping one

another their own way. Each of us comes with our own different way.Whatever

helps people grow on the unschooling journey is wonderful :-)

Just remember that if you read something that offends you first try to

figure out why. Dig deep. Challenge yourself. And if you don't need it or it

doesn't resonate let it go and accept that it likely helped someone else.




http://faithvoid. blogspot. com/

www.bearthmama. com

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