Dawn Del Rossi

We've found a great letterboxing website http://www.atlasquest.com/
which I wanted to share with others who might enjoy it. They are
hosting a "plant a letterbox" day. The idea is to plant a letterbox
and upload it on May 24th to their website in order to try to crash
their site. We've enjoyed letterboxing and thought this might add an
extra challenge. If you don't know about letterboxing this website
does a great job describing it.

Have fun,
Dawn - wife to Christopher, mother to Nicholas (8), Alessandra (7),
Dominic (5), Carmella (3) and Francesca (6 months)

Plant a Letterbox Day is back! Each year, we try to plant as many
boxes as we can on May 24th in a feabile attempt to 'crash' Atlas
Quest. We haven't crashed it yet, but it sure is fun trying! So plant
your boxes, list them on May 24th, and join the fun!

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