Ren Allen

"I didn't require them to do math for months and they
said they'd rather me tell them to. They like math,
but never choose to do and get frustrated when they
want to know how to multiply or divide and can't. "

This is a sign of a child that has been taught they need someone
else to make them learn.
My unschooled children never think they need me to teach them
something in order for them to learn...they are fully aware they can
learn whatever they want, whenever they want and I am here to help
them find resources (or not) depending on the topic.

Schooled children are used to having others make them do things,
unschooled children learn all the time without feeling they need any
coercion in order to achieve something.

You're a few degrees away from really seeing it, but if you just
moved those few degrees away from schooling and towards unschooling,
you might be pleasantly surprised at just how incredible children
are and how much they learn with NO requirements.
