Cyber Withdrawal Nov 19, 2008 • Stacey Grimm Stacey Grimm 19 Nov 2008, at 10:38pm So, my daughter (13) has finally decided she no longer wants anything to do with cyber school. It's a relief for my husband and I that we get to go back to homeschooling. Now, the trick is, to UNschool her. Heh.. This should be amusing. :-) -- ~Stacey
Stacey Grimm 19 Nov 2008, at 10:38pm So, my daughter (13) has finally decided she no longer wants anything to do with cyber school. It's a relief for my husband and I that we get to go back to homeschooling. Now, the trick is, to UNschool her. Heh.. This should be amusing. :-) -- ~Stacey