Debra Rossing

Speaking of which - how are all the beekeepers doing? Has colony
collapse been an issue in your area?


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Janet Gerla

Here in MN my friend who is a beekeeper lost all of her bees to
colony collapse. They were doing fine wintering in CA then one day
they were all gone. They are starting over with bees from Australia.
They have hundreds of hives! It's their livelihood.

Janet in way NW MN

At 09:30 AM 5/19/2008, you wrote:

>Speaking of which - how are all the beekeepers doing? Has colony
>collapse been an issue in your area?

Ren Allen

> >Speaking of which - how are all the beekeepers doing? Has colony
> >collapse been an issue in your area?
> >
> >Deb

No, it hasn't. My hives are new, so it's hard to say what I'll be
dealing with. I've read that people raising their bees organically
have less problems...we'll see. All I know is I absolutely love the
little buggers.

Kelly's bees are doing well I know, but she won't be posting most
likely because she's on the road headed East.:)
We're leaving in a couple of hours, see you in Peabody!!



At 07:59 5/20/2008, Ren wrote:
>We're leaving in a couple of hours, see you in Peabody!!

yay!!! We be getting there late Thursday night, so we'll see you
then! Have a fun and wonderful journey!!!


Marji (excited to see Ren and the family!!!) :-)

<>Joyfully Parenting & Life Coaching
<>GaiaWolf ~ Music for the Planet
<>Marji's Myspace

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Debra Rossing

Glad to hear it's not a problem. Interesting that organically managing
the lil critters seems to be skirting the problem (not surprising
really, just interesting).

We'll be heading out after lunch on Thursday - it's only about a 2 hr
drive for us.

See y'all there!


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