Faith Void

thanks, I really needed this remionder right now!

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Kendrah Nilsestuen
<carebear-79@...> wrote:
> **The question was, when there is a trigger that you can't eliminate,
> how do
> *you* *me* *anyone* IN THE MOMENT deal with that? **
> I go into silent mode for a moment. If Payge and Damien are playing
> and Payge accidentally pulls Damien too hard and he gets hurt, I go
> silent. I walk over pick up my son and comfort him. Then after a
> moment, when the initial frustration has passed I ease back into
> speaking. This period of silence helps me regroup, and avoid saying
> something I'd regret. When I start speaking I'll ask Damien if he's
> okay. We'll talk about how Payge was having so much fun playing, that
> she didn't recognize her own strength. At this point we're usually
> all gathered together talking about what happened, and how we can try
> to make it so it doesn't happen again.
> I know that discussing it may be difficult since Morgan's
> communication is still blossoming. If you can remember before
> reacting to just stay silent till you are calmer (even 30 seconds can
> make a big difference) it helps a lot. In your moment of silence
> still go and comfort the dog.
> Kendrah:)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]