
I would like to share a resource that relates to the recent discussions
on dealing with various communication challenges. The book, "Crucial
Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High," by Kerry
Patterson, etal, has been incredibly helpful for me.

I can't recommend this book enough for those who are struggling to find
common ground and to discuss touchy or sensitive subjects in a safe
way. It is a business/self-help book but can truly be used for any
relationship. In the past year I have used this book just as much, if
not more, than any parenting or partnering/relationship book. I
started out with "Nonviolent Communication" but I like this one better
(seems less scripted to me). Most libraries have it, but it's very
worth buying! I like that the principles in this book can be used by
just one person -- it does not require the other person to read or know
anything about the book.

Totally worth the price!



I went to the site for that book and it has great
reviews. I also saw this great quote in one of the sections above
the reviews and wanted to share it (the comment after it is part of
the quote from amazon):

""Think of life as a game in which we juggle five balls labeled Work,
Family, Health, Friends and Integrity. One day, you understand Work
is a rubber ball. You drop it and it bounces back. The other four
balls are made of glass. Drop one of those, and it will be
irrevocably marked, scuffed, nicked and maybe even shattered."

"What a sweet quote. I found it in a New York Times review of Nina
DiSesa's book, Seducing the Boys Club: Uncensored Tactics From a
Woman at the Top. It's advice given to Ms. DiSesa by James Patterson,
the best-selling author and former chairman of the J. W. Thompson
advertising firm."

Thanks for sharing the book recommendation, I'm glad to have seen it
and that quote.
