:: anne | arun ::

hiya, (excuse crosspost)

ive just reviewed an advance digital copy of The Unschooling
Unmanual, which will be published early feb.

It is a collection of 11 essays from the likes of John Holt, Rue
Kream, Jan Hunt & others, coedited by Jan Hunt (from the Natural
Child Project) and her unschooled son Jason.

im posting the review now because the book is available at a
discounted rate of 25% off up until Feb 5.

the book is broad but particularly will leave you with enormous trust
and understanding of natural learning. Although inherent to some
essays, the book does not really delve into non coercive parenting
issues relating to radical unschooling in much detail.

I do not mention this as a criticism, just a description. I actually
found the emphasis quite useful given the context of other
unschooling books out there.

Anyway if this interests you, find out more:

by reading the full review at:

and/ or ordering the book from jan's site:

and no, i dont get a commission...



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