Deb Lewis

I think the best cleansing ritual would be one that would rid the
neighborhood of your brother in law.
Maybe dress in something really special, rub some of your favorite flower
fragrance on your knees, take calming breaths and meditate and then chase
him down and shoot him. I know it would make me feel better.

Or, get legal help. If you live in a municipality there's probably a city
ordinance against discharging a firearm in the city limits. Animal cruelty,
trespassing. Call the cops, have him hauled away. Request a psychiatric
evaluation. Then burn down his house while he's gone. And then shoot him.

Deb Lewis


Most cities have laws that you can shoot a stray animal on your
property if it is HARMING or at risk of harming someone. But for him
to chase it down and shoot it in your yard is probably illegal.

Why did he do this? Did he say it attacked him, or did he just do it
for fun? If you don't mind my asking, why do you live so close to him
if this is something that is "okay" to him?

I personally wouldn't worry about a fence or rose hedge to keep
animals out... I'd be more worried about your borther in law getting

What if it was dark and what he THOUGHT was another stray dog was a
child? Scary....

--- In [email protected], "Deb Lewis" <d.lewis@...>
> I think the best cleansing ritual would be one that would rid the
> neighborhood of your brother in law.
> Maybe dress in something really special, rub some of your favorite
> fragrance on your knees, take calming breaths and meditate and then
> him down and shoot him. I know it would make me feel better.
> Or, get legal help. If you live in a municipality there's
probably a city
> ordinance against discharging a firearm in the city limits. Animal
> trespassing. Call the cops, have him hauled away. Request a
> evaluation. Then burn down his house while he's gone. And then
shoot him.
> Deb Lewis


Thanks for the ideas. I did a smudging...I think that's the right
word...this afternoon, and it has helped tremendously.
(As much fun as I might have burning down his house, I just can't...he
lives with my in-laws.)
Ria ; )

Ren Allen

~~I think the best cleansing ritual would be one that would rid the
neighborhood of your brother in law.~~

That's exactly what I was thinking. I'd have called the cops
IMMEDIATELY. He sounds awful. Surely there are ordinances about
chasing a dog down to shoot it....doesn't sound like he was being
threatened by the animal in any way. What a creep. I'd have pressed
charges. Shooting a gun in my yard? HELL yes I'd press charges. How scary.
