
Whatever happened on that morning, whatever happened in that family, they
weren't unschooling. And while I did go and read some of the newspaper
articles today, and I felt so sad for all the people involved, I don't think
that the story is applicable to me or my family. I'm not going to set myself
in opposition to Simon or to Linnaea. If Linnaea or Simon are dating at 14,
then I will invite their girlfriend or boyfriend over for dinner and to play
games with us in the evening and to be apart of our life. And I won't push
them into sneaking around and climbing in and out of windows.

Right this very minute, Linnaea has just invited me to join a chat with her
and her friend. Her friend would never dream of asking her mom to join, but
Linnaea likes my company. And that is real, and that is true, and that is my
unschooling life in action.
