
Hi all! Mom of 2, 10 and 14. Always home, electic mostly unschooling
until radical unschooling last 4 years.
I don't normally post. Thanks to all of you who do. Your words are
soothing and eye opening.
Just had to say that I did it again. A fight over public education
with a public school teacher sister-in-law. Ended up hurting her
feelings and now am feeling guilty for it.
Just couldn't take one more "well educated", "need to learn to sit
still", "bathroom breaks when allowed--even when 3 have peed their
pants this past month" nonsense.
I look at my 2 wonderful kids and look at my little 2 year old
day-cared heading to preschool niece and wanted to scream. In the
process I stumbled over my words and made our relationship worse.
My 14 year old son said I lost my normal non judgemental attitude. I
say I was being passionate :)
Really though, I apologized in person and in a letter. I just wish I
could be eloquent when speaking. If they (the family) knew just how my
kids got to be so smart. My homeschooling is tolerated, unschooling
would be a can of worms.

Any thoughts?

Deborah Greenspan

The hostess relative of Thanksgiving called both homeschooler and teacher
factions and suggested education as off-limits topics for the gathering. I
agreed. The topic of education wasn't brought up by anyone and we all had a
wonderfully pleasant evening.

Deborah :-)

*They are "educated" who have learned much, remembered much,
and make use of their knowledge in everyday life.
And of these lessons integrated into their life,
moral conscience is the most imperative to learn
and convey to others.
Their virtues give true meaning to education.*

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]