[email protected]

In a message dated 7/20/2004 1:34:02 PM Central Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
have to say here that I think people really oversell the value of reading to
small children. What makes reading a toddler book to a child better than
talking to them as we would talk to other people? It certainly isn't any
educational than just talking about our real world with our children. <<<,

I think it's part of the "surround the child with the printed word and he
won't be able to *avoid* reading" thang. The more words he sees, the better.
But in most homes (unschooling homes, anyway) there are words everywhere.
really avoid it if you tried!

>>>>>I think much of the emphasis on reading to kids comes from the
schoolish idea that parents don't spend any other valuable time with their
kids, as
if the only way to get parents to interact with kids is to make them sit
with a book. Sadly, this seems to be true for so many people, who never
learned to talk to kids like sentient beings<<<<

I think you're spot-on here. MAKING parents spend time with their
children----and this is the only way to get that to happen----threaten them
illiteracy! Sheesh!
>>>>Oh but my 5 year old LOVES being read to :) I've always loved reading
and so has DH, so it seemed natural to read to Emma as soon as she was
interested. It quickly became part of our bedtime routine...a sort of tradition,
getting all snuggly in our pjs...all in bed and reading a few good books. Em loves
it as much as we do, and gets quite upset if 'reading books' is NOT part of
our evening.

But that may just be who she is. She loves to make up stories, lyrics, etc.
and has learned 'how' to read on her own (she just turned 5). I do think part
of that is being exposed to all those interesting, funny, exciting stories in
books. Couple that with her being independent minded, it's made her want to
learn to read so SHE can read to US, and also be able to read books without
asking us to read to her :)


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