Amy Mason

_Homeschool related_: David H. Albert
titles include: "Homeschooling and the Voyage of Self Discovery"
"Have Fun, Learn Stuff, Grow: Homeschooling
and the
Curriculum of Love"

"And The Skylark Sings withe Me: Adventures
in Homeschooling and Community Based

_Environmental education related_: David Suzuki (I love this
guy...great environmental action website too but deals mainly with
Canadian residents...I joined their "Nature Challenge" even though we're
USer's...can't hurt?) I've been reading all the libraries have to offer
of him...including "Tree: A Life Story"
some more titles include: "The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place
in Nature"
" Good News for a Change: How Everyday
People are Helping The
"You are the Earth: Know the Planet So
You Can Make It
"Eco-Fun: Great Projects, Experiments
and Games for a
Greener Earth"

Happy Reading!
Amy in Charles Town