
this might not be something you can help with but i hope my family and
i are in Ny and they have to take a standardized test at the end of the
year we do a lot of unschooling and i do not know how this is going to
effect my children we just moved here and have always used a review not
tests. any suggestions??

Debra Rossing

Check with folks who are local to you about it, they'd have more
specifics. From what I know of folks in NY, many use the PASS test which
is designed to be administered casually at home, designed for home
educating families. Maybe also read on sandradodd.com regarding testing
and how to make it "invalid" in your eyes while satisfying the crossed
t's and dotted i's of the legalities. Note that testing doesn't start
until what would be "4th grade" and is only done alternate years until
grade 9. So, 4th, 6th, and 8th would be tests, 1st-3rd, 5th, and 7th
could be narrative/alternate method, then testing every year for "high
school". The 'composite score' of the test must be above the 33rd
*percentile* (that's not percent, it's percentile - that means that of
those taking that same test at the same general timeframe, 1/3 do worse
than your child and 2/3 do better - not all that hard really. If 12 kids
take a 100 question test, 3 kids get 1 question correct, your child gets
2 questions correct and the rest get 3 questions correct, then even
though the score would be 2%, it would also be at/above 33rd


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---- Debra Rossing <debra.rossing@...> wrote:
> Check with folks who are local to you about it, they'd have more
> specifics. From what I know of folks in NY, many use the PASS test which
> is designed to be administered casually at home, designed for home
> educating families. Maybe also read on sandradodd.com regarding testing
> and how to make it "invalid" i

Thank you I was not given that test as an option but if it is not standard perhaps that would be why. I will look into it thank you for the help. I am stressing over this a ton . This is one of the many many reasons i took my children out of public school to begin with the whole testing to make sure everyone is the same the pressure to "make the grades" learning is supposed to be fun and an adventure at every age. Not fitting into a predesigned mold. (sorry ranting)
thanks for the advice