
Hello all,

Wanted to post about modeling behavior that we wish our children to emulate, for those who haven't experienced it yet.

Our dd is just 28 mos, and I already KNOW this works. After she was born, I decided that I was not going to teach her the "magic word", and never tell her to/insist she say "please" or "thank you". Not because I don't care about other people, as it may look on the surface. But because I sat with the idea, and it just FELT right.

She now spontaneously says "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome", ONLY because it is how my husband and I interact with each other, other people, and her. She does not say it every single time yet, but to hear her say "Oh! Thank you!" when she is given a gift, or something to eat, or I help her adjust her chair or her shirt so it's more comfortable, is all the proof I need that modeling works.

I can see why it is a difficult concept to grasp. I don't want to sound like I never had any doubts, because I did, but I followed my intuition.

Tracy A.

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