Ren Allen

"She generally can't play with
other children without me being there. Socially she is a disaster,
which I've been told is another trait of AS/SPD. When someone
wrongs her she hits or punches them. And it could be over something
as simple as they won't play the game she wants to play. "

I just wanted to empathize..I have a 5 y.o. that sounds a lot like
your child. He actually laughs sometimes when someone gets hurt at his
own hands. He DOES have empathy, but it doesn't show when he's in an
emotional moment. Getting physical with someone takes almost NO
provocation....if they aren't understanding him, or want to do
something different, he'll lash out easily.

I agree with Kelly that you have to be very present with these kids.
It's exhausting sometimes, but I truly believe they ARE developing the
traits to be socially balanced, it's just taking longer for them.
He's getting better, little by little. I also just started him on a
supplement with the healthy oils (someone else mentioned this) not
figuring it will change him one bit, but MIGHT help take the edge off
and make things more bearable.

When he got angry or upset in the past, it took a good 1/2 hour to
re-focus and get back to a place where he could be reasoned with on
any level. He can now do it in just a few minutes sometimes. So I KNOW
we're helping him gain new tools (and he's developing in his own time)
but sometimes it seems like we say the same thing 20x to no avail.

I understand that my words "use gentle hands" or "use words" are
probably falling on deaf ears, but I'm right there with him and
eventaully I think it will click for him. In the mean time, I breathe
a LOT and focus on his beautiful eyes and sweet cheeks...which help me
reconnect with how wonderful this child IS.
