Unschooling Family Travel Opportunity in India
Yorit & Aviram Rozin
I am very excited to find your group! My wife, six year old daughter (born December 2000), and I are running an unschooling sustainable living community in south India. We are looking for like-minded people to join us (on a short term or long-term basis).
We moved here in 2003 and designed an eco-friendly way of life including alternative construction, solar energy, water resource management, and composting toilets so that we could raise our daughter in a true unschooling environment.
We work to create an enriching place for children � a place where they can meet and naturally learn from friendly people from all over the world, the rich and ancient Tamil culture, and a natural environment abound with new things to discover.
The project is called Sadhana Forest and the main objective is to create a natural learning environment while reforesting 70 acres of severely damaged land in Tamil Nadu, India. We are re-creating the indigenous forest of our area, the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest. This forest type is found only in South India and Sri Lanka and provides a rare biological richness due to its very high species abundance but it is now close to extinction as only 0.01% survives. This is a last moment effort to keep this very rich and beautiful Forest on earth.
In exchange for volunteering, we provide free facilities such as accommodation, a small swimming pool, a small collection of books, daily yoga class, and the use of several bicycles. Examples of community work include: Tree planting, indigenous plant nursery, contour bunding, organic gardening, fence building and installing, compost and soil management with Effective Microorganisms (EM).
Please contact us if your family is interested in joining us for a vacation or for a longer-term stay.
We always welcome new families and volunteers and would like to get spread the word about Sadhana Forest. Please feel free to share the bolded paragraph and link below, with your friends, fellow unschooling families, environmentalists etc.
Sadhana Forest is offering a work exchange volunteer/internship/study abroad opportunity in the field of ecology, sustainable living and conservation. The main objective of Sadhana Forest is the reforestation of 70 Acres of severely eroded land in Tamil Nadu, India. We re-create the indigenous forest of our area, the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest. This forest type is found only in South India and Sri Lanka and provides a rare biological richness due to its very high species abundance but it is now close to extinction as only 0.01% survives.
We practice a sustainable way of life including unschooling, veganism, alternative construction, solar energy, water resource management, and composting toilets.
We provide free facilities such as accommodation, a small swimming pool, a small collection of books, daily yoga class, and the use of several bicycles. The types of work you will be involved in includes: Tree planting, indigenous plant nursery, contour bunding, organic gardening, fence building and installing, compost and soil management with Effective Microorganisms (EM).
Working for unschooling,
Yorit and Aviram Rozin
Sadhana Forest
Tamil Nadu 605101
Email: sadhanaforest@...
Telephone: 00-91-413-2677682
or 00-91-413-2002655
website: http://www.auroville.org/society/housing_s.htm#sadhana
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I am very excited to find your group! My wife, six year old daughter (born December 2000), and I are running an unschooling sustainable living community in south India. We are looking for like-minded people to join us (on a short term or long-term basis).
We moved here in 2003 and designed an eco-friendly way of life including alternative construction, solar energy, water resource management, and composting toilets so that we could raise our daughter in a true unschooling environment.
We work to create an enriching place for children � a place where they can meet and naturally learn from friendly people from all over the world, the rich and ancient Tamil culture, and a natural environment abound with new things to discover.
The project is called Sadhana Forest and the main objective is to create a natural learning environment while reforesting 70 acres of severely damaged land in Tamil Nadu, India. We are re-creating the indigenous forest of our area, the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest. This forest type is found only in South India and Sri Lanka and provides a rare biological richness due to its very high species abundance but it is now close to extinction as only 0.01% survives. This is a last moment effort to keep this very rich and beautiful Forest on earth.
In exchange for volunteering, we provide free facilities such as accommodation, a small swimming pool, a small collection of books, daily yoga class, and the use of several bicycles. Examples of community work include: Tree planting, indigenous plant nursery, contour bunding, organic gardening, fence building and installing, compost and soil management with Effective Microorganisms (EM).
Please contact us if your family is interested in joining us for a vacation or for a longer-term stay.
We always welcome new families and volunteers and would like to get spread the word about Sadhana Forest. Please feel free to share the bolded paragraph and link below, with your friends, fellow unschooling families, environmentalists etc.
Sadhana Forest is offering a work exchange volunteer/internship/study abroad opportunity in the field of ecology, sustainable living and conservation. The main objective of Sadhana Forest is the reforestation of 70 Acres of severely eroded land in Tamil Nadu, India. We re-create the indigenous forest of our area, the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest. This forest type is found only in South India and Sri Lanka and provides a rare biological richness due to its very high species abundance but it is now close to extinction as only 0.01% survives.
We practice a sustainable way of life including unschooling, veganism, alternative construction, solar energy, water resource management, and composting toilets.
We provide free facilities such as accommodation, a small swimming pool, a small collection of books, daily yoga class, and the use of several bicycles. The types of work you will be involved in includes: Tree planting, indigenous plant nursery, contour bunding, organic gardening, fence building and installing, compost and soil management with Effective Microorganisms (EM).
Working for unschooling,
Yorit and Aviram Rozin
Sadhana Forest
Tamil Nadu 605101
Email: sadhanaforest@...
Telephone: 00-91-413-2677682
or 00-91-413-2002655
website: http://www.auroville.org/society/housing_s.htm#sadhana
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]