
Wow, I just knew I'd get some clarity from you all. Thank you so
much for helping me sort through things and get to the heart of the
matter! All of what was posted, whether I agree or not, has given
me so much food for thought. That, plus a very good discussion with
DH this morning, and I'm in a much better "head screwed on right"
sort of place.

I really appreciate your time and honesty. I do believe that we can
continue moving toward unschooling in our whole lives even though we
didn't start out that way -- although I think it must be easier if a
family doesn't have to overcome damage from a control-paradigm. I
totally see that I was focusing on the negative -- precisely what
was bugging me about DD-8yrs. (Freaking ice cream cone for on top
of the bowl! Argh! I wish I hadn't gotten so wrapped up and could
have seen that simple solution!)

I wrote our summer had been excruciating -- but you know what??? A
few moments, a handful, maybe two handfuls really are all that were
excruciating (probably only because I made them that way!) and they
were in the context of an incredibly fun and adventurous summer --
we did some way cool things and had tons of fun and togetherness!

So, we've talked (DH is supportive of unschooling, he's just got
more authoritarian baggage to unpack than I do -- I've got plenty of
other sorts of baggage though, lol) and we too are parenting in the
gap (love that!) but are committed to making this work.

DH actually asked me a very interesting question: "Are you using
unschooling to control things?" And we spent some time on the idea
of "if I get it right all will be peaceful and pleasant and perfect
and happy all the time" being a pipe dream and what is more
realistic. Anyway...I just wanted to thank you and let you know
that I'm now processing your replies and working with DH and think
we're on track again. It's good to know that I can come back here
if another stupid ice cream sort of "incident" occurs and you'll
give me the swift quick I need to see clearly.

in Connecticut

Tyra Olufemi

Good for you, Aimee!

From: "Aimee" <shaggyhill@...>
Date: 2006/08/27 Sun PM 01:01:12 CDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] Will it ever be enough, thank you

DH actually asked me a very interesting question: "Are you using
unschooling to control things?" And we spent some time on the idea
of "if I get it right all will be peaceful and pleasant and perfect
and happy all the time" being a pipe dream and what is more
realistic. Anyway...I just wanted to thank you and let you know
that I'm now processing your replies and working with DH and think
we're on track again. It's good to know that I can come back here
if another stupid ice cream sort of "incident" occurs and you'll
give me the swift quick I need to see clearly.

in Connecticut