Ren Allen

"I'm having an awfully hard time not
relying on a math text - even though I hate teaching that way...I'm
getting better though."

Luckily, unschooling isn't about teaching anything. It's about living
life and the learning that naturally results from that. Unschoolers
don't learn math for the purpose of maybe needing it one day, we
simply do what we love and as we do those things, we learn
math/reading/history etc... We learn new things to facilitate doing
what we love. It's that simple.

So forget about math, or workbooks or anything schoolish and be on
VACATION, starting right now.:)

Also, instead of telling your child to look spelling up in the
dictionary, just BE her resource. Much better that they can trust you
to tell them the answer when they need it, than to struggle with
looking it up. If YOU don't know the answer, look it up for them/with

I swear my kids have all learned how to spell by yelling "Mom, how do
you spell ________?" from the computer. That's it. I do a lot of
spelling for them, keeps me on my toes!:)

Enjoy the journey, and welcome to the list Penny!
