Great book
Ren Allen
~I really enjoyed the book and thought I would let you all know about it.~
In the future, please include the fact that it's a Christian
publication. This list is diverse and it's nice to know ahead of time.
In the future, please include the fact that it's a Christian
publication. This list is diverse and it's nice to know ahead of time.
> In the future, please include the fact that it's a ChristianRen,
> publication. This list is diverse and it's nice to know ahead of time.
> Ren
Sorry for not stating being specific in that way. I had seen other
books recommended on here and hadn't noticed that they
mentioned "Christian" or "Secular" or whatever else in the post. I'll
know if the future. Just as a side note in case anyone wonders, this
book has a lot of great information, Christian or not, just as many
other kinds of books do.