Anne O

From: "Robyn Coburn" <dezigna@...>
> AnneO is here! Now my cup runneth over!
> Robyn L. Coburn

Heehee...thanks, Robyn!

And thanks, Kelly, for that superb introduction...funny how you couldn't
think of that at the last conference when you introduced me as a "big, fat
poopyhead." Now Kathryn is thinking I should be a big, fat poopyhead, too.

And more on John Holt...

***Onesnotenough@... writes:
"...since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future,
is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn
out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be
to learn whatever needs to be learned."
-- _John Holt_***

Syndi's quote again proves how I feel about John Holt...I open a John Holt
book and I think, "I have nothing more to say that this man hasn't already
said so gently and sweetly..."

I hope he's feelin' the LOVE post-mortem!

Be Well ~