messy creativity
[email protected]
An additional idea -
A mom in our little unschooling group who has 3 kids under six regularly
hires my 13yo daughter to come do the art thing with her kids.
She had found herself dreading the mess nearly to the point of never letting
them do anything, and feeling that perhaps she should send the oldest to
school so she'd get to be creative.
The kids look forward to having Sarah over, Sarah loves the kids and the art
and doesn't mind cleaning the mess (probably because it's the only mess she'll
deal with that day.) She's been there for painting, chalk drawings, play
dough, collage, and helped the kids make garden stepping stones for their
grandmother at Christmas time.
It's win/win/win. The kids are joyously creative, mom is able to be serene
about it all, and my daughter earns a decent amount of cash AND gets to enjoy
creative time with younger kids she adores.
Deborah in IL
A mom in our little unschooling group who has 3 kids under six regularly
hires my 13yo daughter to come do the art thing with her kids.
She had found herself dreading the mess nearly to the point of never letting
them do anything, and feeling that perhaps she should send the oldest to
school so she'd get to be creative.
The kids look forward to having Sarah over, Sarah loves the kids and the art
and doesn't mind cleaning the mess (probably because it's the only mess she'll
deal with that day.) She's been there for painting, chalk drawings, play
dough, collage, and helped the kids make garden stepping stones for their
grandmother at Christmas time.
It's win/win/win. The kids are joyously creative, mom is able to be serene
about it all, and my daughter earns a decent amount of cash AND gets to enjoy
creative time with younger kids she adores.
Deborah in IL