Kristie Cochran

Okay, I just posted a little while ago a link to a local news story on
unschooling, now they have a page where you can send your comments in
about unschooling. Here's the link:

These reporters are so uninformed. Here's how they worded the topic for
you to rant on:

You've probably heard of home schooling, where parents teach their kids
at home using prepared materials and curriculum guides you can buy in
stores. But some parents are trying something called, "unschooling."
That's teaching kids at home without any time or curriculum structure.
Kids learn what they want to learn when they want to to learn it. Should
"unschooling" be legal? What obligations should parents have to meet?
Does it even sound like something that could work? Should kids be able
to decide what they study?

Hello???!! What did kids do BEFORE there was an organized school system
in this country??? Seems like the world came pretty far without
organized school systems.

Kristie in VA