Pampered Chef Michelle

On 4/27/06, Ren Allen <starsuncloud@...> wrote:
> Also, "attitude" is not a puberty thing in my experience. I have a 16
> year old that is really sweet and loving, not at all like the
> "typical" teen. I think if a child is angry or speaking hurftully,
> they need to be heard. There's some hurt or disrpespect they've had in
> their lives that needs to be processed. Trust the process, trust the
> healing will happen.
> Give them ultimate respect so they know what it looks like.

Everyone has an attitude! Puberty is a door to confused attitudes. Doesn't
make them wrong. :) I have a friend who was making table "arrangements"
when we all went out to eat. There were 3 adults, 3 children and 1 teen.
We were at a sort of fast food place with small tables. She said, "The
adults can sit at this table. The kids can sit at that table and we will
put the sullen teen over across the room at her own table." I cocked my
head and asked, "What sullen teen? If you are talking about Emily she is
not what one would call sullen. Why don't we ask the children where they
want to sit?" We had a long discussion about how teens are only sullen if
they want to be sullen or if they are expected to be sullen. In the end the
kids decided that they wanted to sit together and Emily decided she wanted
to sit with us. I think it surprised my friend how socialble my teen really

There is a teen in our resource day who sits by himself often drawing. He
has long hair and it is always in his face. If an outsider were to walk
into the room and see him, he would probably be labeled "sullen teen." (And
if they looked at the drawings of all the fantasy creatures he so
beautifully draws it would be "morbid sullen teen.") But he is FAR from
sullen. He is ingenious, creative, funny, talented, and witty. He is
enjoyable to be around. He just prefers sitting and drawing to playing ball
or walking in the park although he's been known to do those as well.

Independent Kitchen Consultant #413652
The Pampered Chef
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