
At the zoo and omniplex both there were countless school groups. I've
read on the group some people witnessing this, and I've seen it but
never really *saw* the same thing...but yeah, saw the teachers saying
hurry up, find a fact, lets move on. We spent all this time in the
gorilla rooms, and none of the kids were happy to be there, while
Emily and Rachel were looking at a skeletal reproduction and talking
about why the bone on top of the head was so big, the skull so small,
the shape of the jaw. It just kind of hurt to see the kids herded
around like animals to see animals. And don't get me started on the
park there!
The omniplex was much the same, unhappy kids pushing and shoving to
see stuff and do stuff because they knew their time was limited.
And tonight at our house, our previously homeschooling friends (who
put their kids in Veritas academy to teach love of God through a
classical education (their mission statement, not mine) ahem, sorry
for the double parentheses) were over for a sedar. One of the 9yo's
was talking to Josh about the schoolwork they have to do, and Josh
said he doesn't have to do anything. Jon looked over at me
disbelieving and said Really? I said yeah, and he said, you should
buy shirley grammer! When I asked him why, he said because it was
really hard, and that's how you know you're learning something. Gag
me with a freaking smurf!
Mom to Josh (11), Breanna (8), Emily (7), Rachel (6), Sam (4), Dan
(2), and Avari Rose

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