Re: [unschoolingbasics] Unschooling with g/ts
While I didn't get the sense that the original poster was rushing anything,
it is an odd mix of behaviors when living with these g/t kids. Mine are prime
examples of bright one minute and you wonder where their heads were the next.
And DS is extremely tall -- so other people's expectations are skewed by that
OTOH, the mismatch with regular school activities and pace and content was
one of the reasons -- actually the main reason -- we started hsing.
In a message dated 6/27/2004 1:47:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
cognitive skills are probably that of someone closer to eight years old.>>>
This statement bothers me because I've heard it so many times from parents
of gifted children. Please don't forget that even if he acts 8 he is still
4 and has age 4 impulses and feelings. Sometimes when we see our kids as
older than what they are we take away their childhood. Don't rush it, he
sounds absolutely charming and I would hate to see him burning out and
feeling bad about himself.
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it is an odd mix of behaviors when living with these g/t kids. Mine are prime
examples of bright one minute and you wonder where their heads were the next.
And DS is extremely tall -- so other people's expectations are skewed by that
OTOH, the mismatch with regular school activities and pace and content was
one of the reasons -- actually the main reason -- we started hsing.
In a message dated 6/27/2004 1:47:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
>>>I forgot to mention he is not a typical four yearold. I have not tested him as far as where his IQ is but his verbal and
cognitive skills are probably that of someone closer to eight years old.>>>
This statement bothers me because I've heard it so many times from parents
of gifted children. Please don't forget that even if he acts 8 he is still
4 and has age 4 impulses and feelings. Sometimes when we see our kids as
older than what they are we take away their childhood. Don't rush it, he
sounds absolutely charming and I would hate to see him burning out and
feeling bad about himself.
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