
In a message dated 6/26/2004 7:31:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
motherwqsalways4@... writes:

My name is Tabitha. I live in Northeast Ohio. I have 4 children
ages 7wks-5 3/4yrs. I need any info that I can get! We had/have
been doing workbooks off & on. I really want to jump into to
unschooling though. But I am totally afraid of keeping portfolios
for all my children eventually & having a teacher look at them. It
just looks easier with a curriculum or workbooks because you
just go through and keep whatever you want with 1 child or 4
children. Any ideas from others who keep track of more than 1


Yeah, but easier isn't necessarily better! <g>

There's a great OH unschooling group. Barb Eaton might chime in with some
more info on OH laws. Is Barb on this list???? I'll check. If not, I'll go grab

We have to keep portfolios in SC too. I keep two tupperware boxes in my
kitchen. Whenever we go anywhere, I get two brochures, two ticket stubs, two
whatevers. Well, mine are pretty far apart in ages, and the 16 year old has a
car; so we often do things separately now----but we collect paperwork from
whatever we do in these boxes. I keep disposable cameras in the kitchen and cars,
to take shots of what we do. I keep artwork (or photos of artwork),
playbills, menus, samples of writing, maps, library lists (they print those out now at
our libraries!), a list of movies watched (the Blockbuster receipts),
----you know: things that would impress a teacher! <g>

Our "schoolyear" runs June through May, so I just placed two boxes under the
bed and put out two empty ones. I also look at these boxes as future
scrapbooks----I just haven't gotten around to completing them yet----but I have all
the stuff! <g>

In SC we also have to keep a journal/assignment book, so I have my daytimer.
I write everything we do into it every day. This also helps me not forget
anything we have coming up, so it serves two purposes! I jot down who came to
play, where we went, what we did. We only have to record 180 days in SC, so I
just pick out the most "active" days! <g> That means every other day we could
be comatose! <G>

With four, I would have four boxes----but none of yours are even school age
yet! I think you should just be PLAYING!!!!!! Enjoy those babies! As they get
closer to mandatory school age, well, just add one box at a time!


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