
I'm new, with a gifted almost 13yo dd who wants to start at the local
communtiy college this summer. We live in CA and this college has
a "Special Admit" program for young kids. She doesn't have to be 14 or
have a GED or take the ACT/SAT. I just need to prepare a transcript to
reflect her "high school" record. Anyone know any links to help me
out? I've looked quite a bit. Right now I'm thinking of modifying the
Mary Balwin college high school transcript. I hate to re-invent the
wheel, though. Surely someone out there has done this! I did find a
book that my library doesn't have that I might order. Any help would
be appreciated!

My mom used to work in the admissions department of a university. She suggested to me to call the school and tell them how your daughter was educated, that she doesn't have a traditional transcript and to arrange an interview, perhaps bringing a portfolio.

Julie s.

----- Original Message -----
From: Priscilla <bobcatpris2000@...>
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:18 am
Subject: [unschoolingbasics] unschoolers high school transcript for college

> Hi,
> I'm new, with a gifted almost 13yo dd who wants to start at the
> local
> communtiy college this summer. We live in CA and this college has
> a "Special Admit" program for young kids. She doesn't have to be
> 14 or
> have a GED or take the ACT/SAT. I just need to prepare a
> transcript to
> reflect her "high school" record. Anyone know any links to help me
> out? I've looked quite a bit. Right now I'm thinking of modifying
> the
> Mary Balwin college high school transcript. I hate to re-invent
> the
> wheel, though. Surely someone out there has done this! I did find
> a
> book that my library doesn't have that I might order. Any help
> would
> be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Priscilla
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