Deb Lewis

Why do Rhino's have such wrinkly skin? Because they're so hard to

Me: Slurping popsicle.

Dylan: "What does your popsicle schtik say?"


If anyone ever tells you a good way to save money while refinishing a
floor is to use your belt sander instead of renting a floor sander, kill
that person and feed them into your wood chipper.
Sure you may save equipment rental fees but the chiropractic bills will
bankrupt you.

If the Friends of the Library have picked a date for the set up for a
book sale,(ten people, four hours work, lunch after, general schmoozing)
don't select that same date as the day you are trying to get the
finishing coats of polycryilic on the floor and move the stove and
washing machine and fridge back into the kitchen before your husband,
who's been away all week, gets home.

Don't pick that same day as the day you take your niece to the vet clinic
to start her summer apprenticeship.

Deb Lewis