
Hi, everyone! I haven't posted much since my first intro. I have
been lurking and reading everyone's posts on nutrition and on being
toxic. Very interesting reading. ;)
We're so excited about tomorrow, I just have to share...we're getting
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, to be exact. I have to go find an
aquarium to put them in today. DH has been wanting some ever since we
saw some at a presentation, so now we're getting some. I'm actuallly
pretty excited about it, I guess because I don't feel they will be as
much trouble as most of his pets he drags in. ;)
When I told my mom, she said I have too much time on my hands. Maybe,
but it's nice. I can't afford to adopt children, so I adopt pets to
keep me busy. I sometimes think, though, if I didn't have so many
pets I could afford a baby. Vicious cycle.... ;)
I am thinking about putting together a presentation on getting pets
not knowing what their care is and then getting rid of them when it
gets difficult, time-consuming, or expensive. We have a ferrett we
got when its owner didn't have the time to play with it (a
reccommended 4 hours a day of supervised play time) We have rabbits
that I suspect were used for breeding, and which had been abused. Now
we are getting the roaches...the lady said they got them last fall and
were tired of them. I had thought of a presentation outlining why
people get pets and then get rid of them, and how to keep that from
happening. Maybe go to schools and clubs... I don't know, though,
probably won't ever get it done. :)
It's cold this morning and I'm not wanting to move (my computer is in
front of the heater). But, all good things must come to an end, and
I'm getting hungry. I'll talk "at'cha" more later, let you know how
the roaches are. :)