Early Writings

In September 2018 I came across ten issues of a newsletter I had mostly forgotten about, called The Back Yard Fence. There were ten issues in between from 1993 to 1995.

I hope to transcribe some of those

The Unschooling Barrage, a collection of e-mail files sent to those requesting more info on unschooling, 1995+/-, America Online (AOL)
Nine files now, but used to be 8 to 10 e-mails, depending when. SandraDodd.com/barrage

There was an Albuquerque/Santa Fe parenting newsletter called Enchanted Families in (check dates) 1996-1998.

Most of my writings from that publication appear in Moving a Puddle.

Rejecting a Pre-Packaged Life (my most-reprinted article)
You Could Grow Up to be President!
Moving a Puddle (May 1998)
Art, Aging and Spirituality—Connections between Things and Ideas a.k.a. Holly and the Hippie Shirt
All Kinds of Homeschooling
Learning Against My Will (or “Input, Please!”) (April 1999)
Tiny Monsters (July 1999)
Bringing Shakespeare Home (1999)
Magical Thinking and Spoiled Children
The Adventures of Holly Dodd in East Yorkshire (2000)

2000, some of my writings saved by the editor of the Unschooling.com website (first iteration—both are long gone): http://web.archive.org/web/20000902052806/http://www.unschooling.com:80/library/essays/essay06.shtml, four items in one file:
Rejecting a Pre-Packaged Life
A Radical Thought
Advice to someone considering homeschooling
Commentary on the advantage of calmness, compared to school life

I was a columnist for Home Education Magazine (now defunct) and those articles are listed here: SandraDodd.com/articles

Randomizer , mostly older pages Site news Just Add Light and Stir